FEB 2025 STAG Stated Meeting
Officers of the Rose Croix will preside.
Dear Brother,
A Stated Meeting of the Four Coordinate Bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the Valley of Pittsburgh, PA will be held on Thursday, February 6th at 7:00 P.M..
Business will be transacted by the Lodge of Perfection, 14°; Council of Princes of
Jerusalem, 16°; Chapter of Rose Croix, 18°; and Pennsylvania Consistory, 32°
By Order of: CHRISTOPHER A. MCNEAL, 32°, Thrice Potent Master
AARON J. ANTIMARY, 32°, Sovereign Prince
BENJAMIN J. DOUGLAS, 32°, Most Wise Master
JOSHUA S. FREEMAN, 33°, Commander-in-Chief
Attest: DAVID W. MORGANS, 33°, Secretary
By Order of: JOHN F. McCOMBS, 32°, MSA, Chairman
The Reception Committee will serve at the stated meeting
By Order of : VINCENT G. MONARDO, 33°, MSA, Chairman
The Safety Committee will serve at the stated meeting
By Order of: GLENN D. MILLER, II, 33°, Chairman
The Medical Committee will serve at the stated meeting
6:00 Dinner for $15 per person in the Banquet Room
NOTE: This is a Scottish Rite Members only event.
7:00 p.m. Stated Meeting
The entertainment for the evening will be an afterglow following the meeting.
Dress Code: Jackets and ties for members. Tuxedos & collars for officers
To place your dinner reservation, please go to the Valley website OR call the office
at 412-939-3579 OR email your request to karen@valleyofpittsburgh.org
no later than Tuesday, February 4th.
Officers of 2024-2025 Preside: September PAC, November POJ, February RC;
April LOP; June PAC